Monday, January 10, 2011

Science Kits piloted in CK fourth grades

Science is alive and well in the CK school district. Last week 13 fourth grade teachers crammed into the CK Science kit center to work on the science kits that they are piloting in their classrooms. This kit, Kitsap Watershed Connections, teaches about water and the environment in the student's backyard. It is replacing a science kit that, while good, doesn't have the personal engagement with the students that this kit accomplishes. This district-wide kit is being provided to the School District by Kitsap PUD and Kitsap County Public Works. The lessons are written by CK science gurus Doug Dowell and Kim San Felipe, SSWM's Pat Kirschbaum, Jo Meints from Solid Waste and me, from Kitsap PUD.

These lessons helps teachers give their students the solid background in the scientific process that they will need while continuing their education at higher levels. Just as important, it gives teachers and their students an opportunity to learn that science is fun. The teachers are now using science as a springboard toward learning in other subjects like reading, math and writing.

The kit is a large one that teachers work on all year long. The science kit is delivered to them in three boxes: one in the fall, one after Christmas and one after Spring Break. Three workshops coincide with the delivery of the boxes. An introductory workshop in August introduced lessons from the first box. During last week's workshop, teachers critiqued the first lessons and were introduced to Box 2. Another workshop introducing box 3 will be held in the Spring. A final recap will happen in June to finalize the kit to get ready for wider distribution next year.

The new lessons introduced are about Salmon, Wetlands and Streams. Many teachers in CK School district are raising salmon in their classrooms so these lessons help to make that experience more meaningful for their students. I got to lead many of these lessons as I authored much of this portion of the kit. The teachers created salmon art and healthy stream collages. They played Macroinvertebrate Mayhem and created a Web of Life. They dissected owl pellets. and pulled mystery articles out of a bag that explained the importance of wetlands. They journeyed on a trail of wetland plants learning about the plants and teaching about those plants to the rest of the group. The day ended with building their own wetland models.

These teachers' talents of creative teaching are so inspiring. They enthusiastically embrace new activities to get their students out of their seats to learn in many different ways. Yes, science is happening in CK 4th grades which benefits our whole community now and into the future.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Washer Rebate Extended for 2011

Did you know that if you are a Kitsap PUD customer, you may receive a rebate check when purchasing a high efficiency washing machine? We are extending our $50 rebate for 2011. Kitsap PUD has mailed over $9,000 worth of checks to customers during the last five years. We do this to encourage customers to invest in efficient models when replacing their washers. These models generally use half of the water that older style washers use. Our customers have collectively saved over a million and a half gallons of water!

All you have to do is:
  1. Purchase a qualifying efficient residential clothes washer.
  2. Install the clothes washer in a residence served by Kitsap PUD.
  3. Complete the application and mail it along with a copy of the sales receipt.
How do you know which washer to choose? When at the appliance store, many washers will be labeled "Energy Star". While this is great, it doesn't necessarily mean that the machine is water efficient. Our $50 rebate applies to machines that have a MEF (Modified Energy Factor) of 2.2 or above AND a WF (water factor) of 4.5 and below. Your appliance dealer should be able to look that up. You can also tell by the price. You will pay more for a highly efficient washer but the savings of energy, water and wear and and tear on clothing make up for it.

Go to for a list of qualified washers. You will also find the rebate application there.

Don't forget to check on other rebates that are offered. While the Washington State Cash for Appliance Program is depleted of funds, PSE still rebates energy efficient washers. You can probably pick up that application form at the store.

Don't miss out on getting a rebate for saving water!