Friday, October 29, 2010

Facebook is not a Fad

If you are reading this you have probably already embraced social media. Some of us are a bit behind the times. Yesterday I attended a workshop about using facebook and twitter for water utility messaging and communication. According to the Portland Water Bureau they are way, way ahead of the social media communication game. They have had their posts picked up by the NY Times, twice! Thrilling. They got their notoriety from posting a picture of a chagrined teenager who had just dumped soap into a Portland fountain for a giggle and a shot of skinny dippers in the reservoir. Point taken, humiliation gets attention.
Some take home points I received about using social media at my water utility from the presentation by Matt Smedley from Frause and Sarah Bott from Portland Water Bureau are:
  • Fly rogue. Some managers are old school. Just go for it. (Sarah made this point by showing a picture of her frowny face boss)
  • Be prepared for negativity, but don't let it get to you. Matt pointed out that most off the wall comments are policed by the other readers.
  • Don't be stupid! Use common sense about what you post. Don't call your boss a jerk.
  • Be consistent. Make your page's goals transparent so your readers will know what to expect
  • No lecturing. (Sorry if I've done that in the past)
  • Must be fun. Know how to keep your audience's attention. Promote interaction.
  • Feed the machine. Keep those posts coming. Sarah spends 4 hours a day on social media!
The afternoon sessions were a little more realistic. Kirk Stinchcombe from Econnics told us to ask ourselves if, truthfully, do our customers really want to get posts from us two or three times a day? Wouldn't they rather be getting tweets from Lady Gaga? A couple of times a week, or when we really have some important, relevant information is plenty!

OK, I opened a facebook page for Kitsap PUD. I promise to post only relevant information and let people know if they (God forbid) need to boil their water even if its Thanksgiving weekend. Facebook is not a fad. I will use it for good!

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