Monday, December 6, 2010

Public Hearing To Increase Noxious Weed Fee

Tonight, December 6 is a public hearing for the Kitsap County Commissioners to decide if the noxious weed fee assessed on homeowners is to be increased to a whopping $2.00 per parcel. That is, what, a half of a latte per year? Knowing that we love our lattes, even during the recession, what do we get for our buck (s)?

Kitsap County's Noxious Weed Program is run through WSU extension.We have our own six member noxious weed board and more importantly we have Dana Coggin as staff. Dana is weed warrior extraordinaire. She is out there chopping, pulling and poisoning noxious weeds everywhere. Since the mission of the program is to educate citizens and encourage citizens to protect the county against invasives, she shares the wealth. You too can be a Weed Warrior with Dana. She holds organized eradication "parties" with homeowners all across the county

What is the big deal about these weeds? These plants have accidentally found a home here and are overpowering our native species. These exotics cause mayhem in the environment. They reduce habitat for animals and birds, reduce property values and recreational opportunities. They clog waterways and even poison humans and animals. The noxious weed board determines which weeds are part of the "dirty dozen". These plants are aggressive and, well, noxious, but there is a glimmer of hope that they can be eradicated. For example, dandelions and Himalayan blackberry aren't on the list because they are so widespread that they are definitely part of our landscape for good.

WSU is soliciting your comments at tonight's hearing. To find out more visit:

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