Friday, March 25, 2011

Toilet Rebates Available for Kitsap PUD Customers

Toilets are the main source of water use in the home accounting for 30% of residential indoor water consumption. Many times, older toilets leak and are inefficient. Although the plumbing code requires low flow toilets, many homes are still using older toilets that use 3-5 gallons per flush. High Efficiency Toilets (HETs) flush using at least 20% less water than the current federal standard of 1.6 gallons per flush. Replacing older toilets with newer HET toilets could save 4,000 gallons of water per year per customer.

Buying an EPA WaterSense toilet takes the homework out of shopping for a toilet. The WaterSense label tells the buyer that the toilet is a high-performance, water efficient model. The toilets come in a variety of prices and styles. Design advances enable WaterSense labeled toilets to save water with no trade-off of flushing power. According to the EPA, many perform better than standard models during consumer testing.

Here’s how to qualify to receive a $50.00 rebate check

1. Purchase a new toilet that bears the WaterSense® label—no exceptions. The new toilet must be replacing an existing toilet in a single-family residence. No new construction, please. Limit three per residence.

2. Include a copy of the receipt with a completed rebate application form. The form can be found at If the receipt doesn’t indicate the specific model of the toilet, provide other documentation, such as the WaterSense label or model number.

3. Send the application, receipt and the WaterSense® verification to: Kitsap PUD, P. O. box 1989, Poulsbo, WA 98370.

4.Receive a $50.00 rebate check in approximately 3-4 weeks.

Old toilets must be disposed of; they may not be resold or reused. Visit to learn about where to dispose of old toilets in Kitsap County.

Replace that old toilet to save to reduce your water consumption and your water bill.


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